BetterTogether Highlight: Cody Helgesen
Posted: December 03, 2024 | Written By: Drew Delligatti| Category:

As our organization continues to focus on our BetterTogether values, our most recent focus on being inclusive reminds us of the importance of creating an environment that embraces differences in all of us.
One New Story employee living this value every day is Cody Helgesen (they/them), Transition and Post-Secondary College & Career Counselor at the Pinnacle School, part of Greenwich Education Group in Connecticut. Cody won an award in the Spring for their advocacy and support for underrepresented groups.
The American Mental Health Counselors Association (AMHCA) recognized Cody as the Clinical Mental Health Counselor of the Year. The application process for the award was rigorous, requiring several letters of recommendation and a letter of support from his state chapter of AMHCA, they said.
Cody’s dedication to advocacy and allyship was a big contributing factor to them winning the award.
“It has always been important to me to educate others on neurodiversity, queer issues, multicultural issues, and challenges facing other groups,” they said. “When we talk about allyship, ‘Ally’ is a verb and not a noun. That means you use the identities and privileges you have to create space for those that do not have those privileges.”
Cody loves working at Pinnacle because the staff and faculty work hard to be their authentic selves while also being professionals with the students, they said. “We work hard to take our students from surviving to thriving,” Cody said.
Cody’s education and experiences help shape how they work with students at the Pinnacle School, including their experience as an assistant clinical coordinator and advanced clinical mental health counselor for a private practice, working with young adults or adults in college experiencing comorbid mental health disorders.
“Not only do I have knowledge and experience related to special education, I also have the clinical and counselor education background,” Cody said, referencing their master's in clinical Mental Health Counseling from Southern Connecticut State and pursuing their terminal doctoral degree in Counselor Education and Supervision at the same university. This experience allows them to work with students at Pinnacle in a style that creates space where the student can self-empower, they said.
Cody was given the award at the AMHCA conference earlier this year in Charlotte.
“All the work I do has never been for my own recognition,” Cody said. “I want to develop knowledge and skills to help future counselors in training, students and clients in ways that help them. I want to learn and share what is in the best interest of the people counselors work with.”
The diversity badge awarded to New Story when named among Newsweek’s Most Loved Workplaces® is a testament to our work and dedication to our inclusive value. As we continue to live true to our BetterTogether values, we will be posting more profiles in the coming months. Keep an eye out on New Story Connect for more!